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Is a fun and at the same time challenging game for cooperative mode.

Thank you! Glad you liked it! If you have any feedback, get back to me!


Challenging. My only comment is I wish it were more intuitive why/how the lily pad is turning. I think it could be improved. Otherwise a great idea with lots of cool polish and clearly done well.


Great idea my friend some more direction would be nice. The game was created in 7 days for a game jam. So we mostly focused on sticking to the theme and adding our multiplayer! 

The game will be worked on more in the future! 

As of now the lillypad is perfectly rested on a centered pivot point. The only thing that moves the Lilly pad are the ducks unbalanced movement. And the objects falling ontop of it! 

Thank you for playing and thanks for the feedback :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Very fun game to play with a friend. Simple idea which is still challenging, well presented and with a great sound design/music.


I played this with a friend and we had a blast xD We still need to get good enough to stay on the lilypad more than 1min, but it’s always incredibly fun to coordinate and try to find strategies together

(1 edit) (+2)

The game is funny and played with a friend it represent a good challenge for the players

Mechanics are easy to understand. It gives  a lot of satisfaction reach the limit of the lilly pad and save the second player.

The sound design and the music are great. Graphically the game is simple, but express very well the concept of pond

A really good game that worth a try with a friend to pass some time in a really funny way